Number three:
Write a story in which the main character accidentally sends a text message that was meant for another person.
R.J Burger a 10th grade prep of Wilson High School would have his worst day on March. 21st 2009.
He would send a text message to the wrong person. The day started out as R.J got up for school that morning. Everyday when R.J would wake up he would have bacon and eggs. R.J was really fat and had lots of friends. Everyday at the beginning of school R.J would always yell ''I'm to cool for school'' On the intercom.
This followed his daily routine of eating and yelling a lot. After his English class R.J sent a text message that he would never forget. R.J was going to send a joke to his bud Bernice but accidentally sent to his mom who worked at the school. This joke was not an ordinary joke, the joke was about the principle whom his mother new very well. When R.J got home he was in for the surprise of a life time.